Domino Audit Solution

Domino Data Lab added Domino Audit to Open SCE.

This is a webservice which provides enriched auditing using metadata collected by Domino

This includes 3 endpoints:

  • Project Audit: And audit of all jobs run in the project, with all metadata associated with that job.

  • Project Activity: An output of the ‘Activity’ section in the project overview page, with options for filtering

  • User Login Audit: An audit log of all user login activities. This endpoint requires an Admin role in domino

This service provides 3 ways to request audit reports:

  • A CLI, which is designed to run either inside a Domino workspace or externally
  • An API endpoint, authorised by your Domino API key
  • A web application, deployed as a standalone service

The complete project is available under the Open SCE community in GitHub.